Male Anti-Wrinkle Consultation

Tailored Age-Defiance for Men

  • Smooth the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Create a more youthful and fresh appearance
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Treatment overview

Appointment duration
30 - 60 mins
Procedure intensity
Treatment intervals
3-5 Months*
Starting from
* Individual results may vary.

Consultation for Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Ageing gracefully is not just a feminine pursuit. The Male Anti-Wrinkle Consultation is meticulously designed to address the specific concerns and aspirations of men. The treatment respects the nuances of male facial structure and skin type.

Treatment benefits

With a foundation in dermatology and a keen understanding of male aesthetics, this consultation and subsequent treatments ensure results that are both naturally masculine and refreshingly youthful.

  • Crows feet
  • Bunny lines
  • Frown lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Downturned mouth
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Dimpling of the chin
  • Neck bands and lines
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What happens at the appointment?

Dr. Nicky treats all her patients personally, starting with a detailed medical consultation to assess suitability and discussion covering their desired results and expectations. Once the treatment has been agreed a cooling off period is offered so that the patient can have time to consider if the treatment is right for them. The injections are administered with the smallest needle available. Dr Nicky Naylor is so gentle in applying the injections that only some patients experience a small level of brief discomfort associated with having an injection. The overall treatment time is usually around 10-15 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is downtime required after the treatment?

No. This is a ' lunch - break ' procedure. You should be able to go back to your usual day straight after without any sign of having had a treatment. Some patients may experience minor bruising at the injection points for a few days but this is easily treated with arnica gel and can be concealed with make up.

How many treatments do I need?

One treatment every 3 - 6 months is usually required for desired results.

How quickly will I see results?

Contrary to popular belief, the effects of the anti wrinkle injections are not immediate. It usually takes between three and seven days for the effects to be visible with the maximum effect being most noticeable around 14 days after the treatment.

How long does the anti wrinkle treatment last?

The anti wrinkle treatment usually lasts between three and five months. After this period Dr. Nicky recommends the treatment should then be repeated to continue the effects. Patients find that with repeat treatments the effects last longer, meaning less anti wrinkle treatments are needed over time.

Can Anti Wrinkle injections be combined with other treatments?

Yes. Anti wrinkle injections can be combined with other anti-ageing treatments such as dermal fillers to produce exceptional results. To get the best possible natural anti-ageing results, Dr. Nicky takes a holistic approach to aesthetic medicine , treating your face as a whole, rather than isolating certain areas.

Anti wrinkle injections are very effective on its own but when used in conjunction with other treatments excellent anti-ageing results can be achieved.

Dr. Nicky Naylor would be delighted to discuss your requirements and create a personalised treatment package tailored specifically for you.

Is there any aftercare following the anti wrinkle treatments?

Dr Nicky Naylor recommends that you refrain from vigorous exercise , sauna or steam for 24 hours after treatment to ensure optimal results. She advises to avoid direct massage of the treated areas for 24 hours and to refrain from having any eyebrow treatments or facials for 2 weeks after your appointment.

Unsure as to what treatment to go for or your skin condition?

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What Dr. Nicky's clients say